If our work resonates with you, we gratefully welcome your financial support. Here are the pathways for making your tax-exempt financial donation to The Nourishment Projects NFP, Federal Tax-ID 88-2419370.

For donations above $250, we provide complimentary access to the Voyage of Discovery online lecture series

The Nourishment Projects NFP respectfully reserves the right to refuse or refund a donation.


Please address the check to :

The Nourishment Projects NFP

1314 Kensington Road, P.O. Box 3581

Oak Brook, IL 60522


    For information about our bank account & ABA number, please directly contact our Board President, Soma Roy:


    phone : 630-405-3121


    Please click on the button below for credit card donation options

We are grateful for your time and support.

What does your support make possible?

Your tax-exempt financial donation supports workshops that encourage participants to live joyously by discovering their capabilities and purpose.

Our workshops and presentation run continuously throughout the year and concentrate on the following three categories :

  • EDUCATION : Philosophy in conjunction with Science and Art

    The workshops, Wanderlust & Reflection, develop curiosity and the courage for self-reflection.

  • LEADERSHIP : Business ethics aligned with risk management and change agility skills

    The workshops, Endeavor & Catalyst, develop competitive skills for innovation — visionary leadership & manufacturing/entrepreneurial capabilities — that help avoid career obsolescence in the AI-based evolving world of work.

  • COMMUNITY. Mental wellness in this age of social isolation.

    Human Effects & Celebration address the global epidemic of loneliness and moral damage

Please guide us.

If it is not time yet for you to make a financial donation, please consider providing guidance with any of the following:


If you are involved with or know of private family or individual foundations engaged in philanthropy, kindly make them aware of our work.


If your business would like to be involved in innovative education and community development, kindly make your Corporate Sustainability or ESG department aware of our work.


We welcome introductions to institutions or qualified individuals who would like to share their expertise with our participants.

For information regarding any of the above, kindly email us at : soma@thenourishmentprojectsNFP.com

We thank you.